knowledge and understanding

Why Tools for Knowledge and Understanding?


It is with tools we gain knowledge and understanding of our patterns of behaviour

 Books become teachers

Practice becomes improvement

Unconscious becomes conscious

Learning  becomes knowledge:

Knowledge brings change

Change brings more of what you want

Constantly sharpened tools of Knowledge and Understanding bring  loving relationships into our lives. Thus we enjoy happiness and contentment on a larger scale.


It is not difficult to find tools for knowledge and understanding

I’m positive there are more than a billion books in the world today. Basically, books are our best teachers. Books began on walls in pictographs, subsequently papyrus scroll and eventually bound paper. The recording of words will never go out of style. 

 It’s quick and easy to buy books in several forms: hardcover, paperback, electronic, used book stores, libraries or borrowed from family and friends. Online, in stores or borrowed, books are the number one access to learning, purchased or free. We really have no excuse to remain ignorant of ways to heal and make progress when  knocked down by one of life’s tsunamis. In short, we just have to have a ‘wanna’.

Creating Change is a process

Once we learn what we can do from books, it’s time to put these tools into practice. Don’t allow procrastination to get in your way, it’s a waste of your life. Make a plan and live it.

This brings us to making something we didn’t even know (unconscious) into something we know so well, we just do it without having to think about it. In my book, “Born to Bounce Back”, I explain the four steps of how we learn something new. Turning the unconscious into the conscious and where we go thereafter.

Learning now becomes something very important. It becomes knowledge. Knowledge is much more than intelligence, it is wisdom, and wisdom requires that we not only have information, but we understand when, where, why, how, and with whom to use it.

With this process, we have now created change. The type of change we have wanted in order to bring more of what we want into our lives. We bounce back more quickly and easily from those Instant Pivotal Crises that threaten our success and happiness. 

The recovery process

Books = Practice = Improvement = Consciousness = Learning = Knowledge = Change



Play video and audio together to get in touch with your “Bounce Tools Boogie”!

Video by Bernard from Pixabay

Music by prazkhanal from Pixabay