photo of the word "Change" in neon lights



On The Edge of Crisis

It’s during our darkest moments, on the edge of crisis, that we discover our inner strength and resilience. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Every time your life deals out

an Instant Pivotal Life Crisis

wherein the ground falls out from under your feet,

you suffer shock, despair and utter loss,

you find yourself fighting

back from the edge

just to breathe,

 remember only one thing:

You are not meant to give up

you are born to bounce back!


I know you have stories,

everyone does,

of struggles and pain-filled experiences,


how do I come back from this?


You are not alone

everyone sits in those

very uncomfortable,

maybe torturous, gruelling places

from time to time.

I’ve felt the misery


and cried the same tears

that you cry


During my times,

repeatedly visiting those ‘hard’ places

of loss, pain, shame or desperation,

I made the discovery of

WHY we have to experience them

for the value they give


HOW to bounce back.

So too, can you


Excerpt from Chapter 5

“My only thoughts during this crisis were, “Help us, someone please help us. I’m lost.”

Life became one tiny baby step at a time. One minute, one hour at a time. That is all we could manage.

Shock paralyzed me.

There was no ability in my conscious mind for putting words together. This critical situation and the trauma I was experiencing, shut out any means of sane thinking and certainly no ability for rational decision making. For days, possibly weeks, I functioned robotically.

This was way bigger than just me.”

Play video and the audio at the same time for a few moments of relaxation and de-stressing with this darling, purring cat. 



Sound Effect from Pixabay