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Reviews of This Book

The names Lynn Moore and Frances Teagan are one and the same person.

Review by John Edwards, Fellow Author

I love reading memoirs. I have several on my bookshelves. Bill Clinton’s My Life, Barack Obama’s A Promised Land, Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal, Jessica Simpson’s Open Book, and Bobby Rydell’s Teen Idol on the Rocks, to name a few. Reading iconic or legendary personality biographies teaches us about different lifestyles, experiences, our understanding of history, and how we make sense of the world. Consequently, reading a famous person’s memoir offers an escape from anonymity and vicarious gratification. In contrast, a memoir written by a typical person offers added relatability based on the author’s memories of an event, emphasizing their emotional vulnerability and authenticity. That is where my reading of the book Born to Bounce Back by Lynn Moore commences.

I became immediately immersed in Moore’s life story as I recognized how relatable, personable, and compassionate her “seven life stories” encompassing a life of diverse purpose as an educator, businesswoman, mother, widow, and a traveling abroad virtuoso connected with my life experiences. It is a beautifully written memoir with many insights, wisdom, and practical advice. This remarkable book about conquering the pain of traumatic life experiences while discovering meaning from each life trajectory resonated with me emotionally. It is a story about the power of human resilience and vulnerability. The narrative guides how to process negative emotions and adapt to stressful situations; essentially, Lynn Moore’s life stories impart enlightenment about our ability to draw upon our inner strength to overcome setbacks and thrive despite challenging circumstances.

There are so many insightful messages within the narrative. One of my favorites, for example, is when Moore writes, “Fear of judgment and shame. It’s part of the human condition. No one wants to be judged, yet we all judge others.” This powerful example of sharp-wittedness and wisdom expresses the importance that we can only flourish in spaces where individuals are seen, heard, respected, and free to express themselves without fearing judgment or dismissal. Additionally, Moore’s willingness to be an open book of vulnerability, empathy, and owning her imperfections allows the reader to understand that there is strength in embracing your authentic self and fostering mental and emotional toughness.

Main takeaway: This is a compelling chronicle about the power of human resilience and is a must-read as her true-to-life stories can potentially change lives and teach readers how to “Bounce Back” from life’s challenges. Achieving peace of mind is fundamentally rooted in love, mutual respect, and understanding, and every familiar life story that exemplifies the willingness to show grace to yourself is extraordinary. I highly recommend its reading.
-John Edwards


Please Note: the names “FRANCES TEAGAN” and “LYNN MOORE” are one and the same person.  The book was originally published under Lynn’s pen name Frances Teagan

“The Book Commentary” Review

Five Stars

Reviewed Date: February 13, 2023

What do you do when you are hard-hit by misfortune, crushed by pain, or stalked by hardship? In short, what happens when you are suffering — emotionally, physically, and psychologically? In Born to Bounce Back (Regain Your Zest for Life After it Knocks You Down), Lynn Moore inspires readers to take back their lives after painful experiences by standing back up. She shares her story of grit, struggle, and perseverance with unwonted clarity, showing readers how to discover the gems in their unique, albeit painful stories. She lifts the veil to reveal her vulnerability while showing readers the power of empathy and authenticity.

This is an extraordinary book about overcoming pain, discovering meaning, and finding the strength to move forward after each heartbreak or pain. In turn, heartwarming and haunting, this book provides the encouragement readers need when they feel low. The author’s personal experiences are rich and resonant and she writes about them with confidence, using a compassionate voice that instantly connects with readers. There are eye-opening passages and insightful messages sprinkled throughout the book that will empower readers to choose to grow. Here is one of my best: ”I also learned that nothing is forever. Change is always happening. Flexibility hurts less than rigidity. Flexibility bends, perhaps leaving a bruise or a scrape while rigidity can break you in half. The toughest lesson for all of us is to learn to live for the moment.” Born to Bounce Back (Regain Your Zest for Life After it Knocks You Down) is a timely book with a strong message. This author helps readers find hope and what they need to move forward, confidently.





Top reviews from Canada

D. Malysh  Canada  November 2022

“How courageous to bare your soul and still be able to fight for love and life!
I admire your vulnerability. What an amazing heart!!”





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